Frequently Asked Questions Overview
In An Effort to help quantify the time I spend answering everybody's e-mail questions or other submissions, I have assembled this set of questions that I am frequently asked in hopes of answering them quickly and helpfully, rather than have to type in the individual answers dozens of times. This allows me more quality time in my life and the time to properly address any additional musical or historical questions all of you might have for me that are not covered here. This section may also answer questions you weren't really sure you had! Some of the topics are a little more generalized than others, but the examples used within them are easily adaptable. I am, of course, always receptive to more queries once you have read through this section and the many other articles hosted here in Resources. Just click on Ask Another Question link at the left or below if you don't find your query covered here.
Thank You
FAQ Topics in More Detail
I'm looking for a song/information in a search engine and I can't seem to find it.
MIDI Information
I'm having trouble playing MIDI or MP3 files from your site or other similar sites.
I upgraded/changed my browser. Why can't I play MIDI files?
Why do you switch from MIDI files to MP3s?
What is the difference between MIDI files and MP3s?
Why do consider your MP3s to be "medium definition" files?
Why do your MIDI files sound so different from others I have heard?
Why do your MIDI files use multiple tracks which don't work on some instruments?
Requests and Content
What are your criteria for the type of pieces you post?
I have a request for a certain song. Why haven't you done that yet?
Do you make the arrangements of the pieces on your site?
Do you have any of your arrangements on paper or for sale?
Can you send me a copy of a song(s)/rag(s)?
What gives some pianos a Honky Tonk sound?
Can you help me find the RAGTIME TREASURES or ZEZ CONFREY folios?